Thirsk Doctors Surgery uses a team approach to provide the nest possible clinical care. Having respect for you, your family and carers at all times, we aim to respond to your needs and the needs of the local community. Please take the time to read our set of standards.
Our Responsibilities to you
We are committed to giving you the best possible service. This will be achieved by working together. As a patient your rights and expectations as described in the NHS Constitution include:
- Convenient and easy access to health services free of charge and within maximum waiting times
- A good quality of care and environment based on best practice
- All aspects of your visit will be dealt with in privacy and confidence
- To be treated with dignity and respect in accordance with your human rights
- Not to be discriminated against on the grounds of gender, race, religion and belief, sexual orientation, disability, or age
- To receive drugs and treatment as recommended by the National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE) for use in the NHS if your doctor feels it is clinically appropriate for you
- Decisions made in a clear and transparent way so you can understand how services are planned and delivered
- You will be seen by a clinician of your choice, subject to availability
- Information about our services on offer will be made available to you by way of posters, notice boards, newsletters and on our website.