
Are you a carer?

If you look after a partner, relative or friend who is disabled or ill due to physical or mental health you are a carer, even if you don’t think of yourself as one.

The surgery is dedicated to support carers and the amazing work they do. We keep a register of patients who are carers and record this on an individual’s medical records. If we know you are a carer and likely to be under pressure at times, we will find it easier to offer the advice and support you need.

We may be able to help by:

  • Offering an annual complimentary health-check for you the carer. You may also be eligible for a flu vaccination
  • We may be able to support you with knowing more about the medical conditions of and treatments for the person you care for to help you feel more confident in your caring role
  • We can inform you about services provided by the NHS such as continence services and patient transport to hospital appointment and other sources of support and advice including social services and local voluntary agencies
  • Arranging appointments for both you and the person you care for at the same time to avoid having to visit the surgery twice
  • Arranging for repeat prescriptions to be delivered
  • Providing supporting letters and information to enable you and the person you care for to access benefits or the blue badge scheme
  • We are keen to encourage more carers to join our Patient Participation Group, so that we can best understand the challenges faced and barriers to accessing healthcare.